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Category Archives: Random

So if you haven’t heard OnRez is closing its doors because it is being bought out by Second Life and Xstreet is going to be meshed with the viewer. I use OnRez and their oh-so-nice vendors for my business. While I could switch to Xstreet, I don’t want to. Also since the business is oh-so-successful I don’t want to keep flushing money down the toilet. So it is closing. Meaning that all my lamps are going on sale for $100. It is fun building the lamps and I might still build them just for fun. Links to the shop are below. It ends when OnRez closes, on the 11th

Now, I want to say on happy note that I’m going to open an art gallery on the sims! It is going to be a small time affair with no really big plans. I’m going to be renting out a loft in the Holy Dove apartment building. I want to have small shows with like meet the artist, parties, and stuff like that. I have no clue what to call it, but I’m writing the rundown tonight, after hw of course. It should be a fun project to run. Anyway got to go tutor!

I’m back, for reals this time. I ran into some issues regarding the classes that I need to be taking and I needed to focus on that before posting.

So anyway my Holidays were decent. My break wasn’t memorable and finally I’m back in school! With that said chances I won’t be on SL as regular as I have been. However school hasn’t stopped Adia from being the vain diva that she is and she wanted to do some fashion pictures with her hot new hair and skin. One image does a some nipple action going on, but it is really small and turned to the side, so it isn’t exactly NSFW, so it is up to you if you want to view that image. BTW Lofty Lighting is closing since OnRez is closing. I’m going to have a blow out sale so look for that! 🙂

I want to wish you a Happy New Year and hope that 09 will be better than 08! If you plan on getting wasted a little later tonight please read this information:
5 Drinking Myths that can Kill You!
Happy right? Even if you know them down pat just glance over to refresh your memory! 🙂

Balt and Adia

So I can’t do any large resolution images because of the fact that the glow “prints” itself several times and I was wondering if any of my readers would be kind and vote for this issue on JIRA!


Okay, so HBlue and HAzul need more people! We had an exodus of people during the last few months and we need people to fill those gaps. Now if you have a home or a shop already, please still read this post as I may need your help as well. Note, I’m not part of the owners of the sims, but a highly concerned friend, resident, and vendor.

Here are my ideas on getting more attention for the sim.

1. I feel like we need to get more higher profile shops in the sim. We have a handful of small, locally based ones that get little traffic. Now here in lies the Catch-22, in order for us to get the traffic we are looking for, big/medium sized shops have to come in, but chances they are only going to come if they get a large traffic number. So this probably means that this isn’t a good solution, but still should be on the table if nothing else works.

2. Adversting. I don’t know how many classified ads we have put forth on SL(tm) Search, but I think it is time that we move to something that will get more clicks. I really think we need to put ads in the major magazines, newspapers, and possibly blogs so we can get out the message that we are looking for residents to the wider SL(tm) audience.

3. Possibly lower the prim rate so that way the price can go down. I know that there are other places that charge a lot more for a small amount of prims, but how many people need a few hundred prims? I believe there are more people at the lower priced end of the market than there are at the higher end. Or even better, how about charging a base fee for the size of the island, then add the fee for the number of prims one is using, so that way people who have big islands won’t be paying less then someone who is paying for a small island.

Anyway these are just some thoughts that I have, but you have any ideas that the sims could use?

Today is International AIDS Day and I thought I would ask my readers to wear something red today in either world as to honor the millions around the world that have died with the disease and are currently living with the disease. If you don’t know your HIV/AIDS status, seriously think about getting tested today, no doubt today it will be free.

Here are some links to check out today:
World AIDS Campaign
Wikipedia Entry
US government page on AIDS
National HIV and STD Testing Resources

My friend Cat, blog below, found this store that sells the most random stuff ever. Stuff that has close to no point in SL. Tongues, food, ice cream, group poses, bees, and a ton of other really fun stuff. So the owner gives free stuff to bloggers that contact her and I decided that it would be good to post some pictures!

My little cushion fort, fun for hiding from enemies and friends.

A metal detector, for finding stray Lindens. It beeps too.

Dancing with maracas are fun, but apparently cat didn’t feel the same way.

Me and Angie jazz handing our way through life!

Click here for the SLurl!

  • I have decided to dj on Sunday for those who can’t make Friday’s Halloween Party. Music will be the same, just in different order. Costumes preferred. Major Lift
  • Still no update on Mercury. Need to get minutes from meeting. Will try to get back there and do some work.
  • For the Americans in the audience, yes I have at least one reader, please go and vote! Yes I know it has nothing to do with SL(tm), but still.
  • Saw one of my old good SL(tm) friends last night. Was really happy.
  • Got to get sunglasses for Adia for a quick photo. Perhaps find the right pose aswell. Awesome stuff at Cachet, all females need to check it out ad you will find some must haves. lol

So I don’t really have one topic to talk about in depth today, so I will be just posting about somethings that are going on.


  • I’m a regular dj at Major Lift, at HAzul, now. I play every other Sunday, so this coming Sunday will be Halloween part 2, 4-6 pm slt.
  • I want to do a Christmas/ Winter/Summer Holidays shopping post in the coming weeks. That should be fun as I get to go shopping. lol Look for that shortly after Thanksgiving, roughly Nov 27. I will do about five categories, like Best Gift under 500L$ and so on.
  • Mercury is coming along slowly. I feel as if I lost interest in building it and running it. I enjoy the building. I guess I just need some more motivation to get it done and running.
  • From now on I won’t be in-world mostly on Mondays and Wednesdays as I now get home at 6:30 and I need a nap since I start classes at 9, meaning I have to be up around 7:20. Although I will try to get on during the day for about an hour, depending on if anyone is on and if I thought about bringing my charger to school.

So I have a new house! Yay! It is on HBlue, so I’m thrilled. Now comes the hard part, trying to furnish the whole thing. In my previous house I just had the front room furnished along with some lights hanging around. Now I feel like I need to have more than a living space furnished. But I have no clue what to put in it. I feel I’m fairly practical, so why do I need a bedroom, dining room, or a study, when I have a seating area already? Frankly I don’t have a lot of prims to work with, which reminds me I have to get PT to remove that tree that is on the outer edge of the island. Hmm what could I do? I do want to put some more lighting and some more artwork, which I might just have to build myself, although I do like the concept about supporting in-world artists. Hmm any ideas readers?